Nerous system and brain


         Headache is a headache for many people because it is a symptom that can be caused by many reasons. Plus the more you search Google for answers. The more we meet, but the answer that makes us more stressed. This article intends to provide information on various aspects. along with guidelines for treating symptoms Migraine headaches

Migraines are caused by what?

       “Migraine (Migraine)” is caused by a temporary abnormality of the chemical level in the brain. causing the brainstem to be stimulated The blood vessels in the meninges contract and relax more than usual. Throbbing headache or nausea and vomiting, allergic to light from stimulated brainstem

What are the symptoms of a migraine?

Migraine headaches often have these symptoms.

  • A throbbing headache around the temples, pain may radiate to the eye sockets or the back of the head. and unilateral headache (Some people may experience headaches on both sides)

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Are allergic to light, allergic to sound

  • Occasional headache Sometimes it’s related to the menstrual cycle.

  • Sometimes there is a visual disturbance. Also known as aura (migraine aura), patients see white lights with jagged edges. As a warning symptom, bring before the onset of a headache.

Migraine headaches don't have to be on just one side of the head.

      Has a high probability that unilateral headache Usually caused by migraines. But there is a very common misconception that migraine headaches are equal to “one-sided headaches” only, in fact, migraine patients can have headaches on both sides. or headache on one side first and then switch sides as well

       Therefore, if there is a headache on both sides Therefore, you should not be complacent that you definitely do not have a migraine. should be considered from other symptoms, including and if the symptoms have not improved should be examined by a doctor

Migraine headaches don't have to be severe.

       Each person’s body and mind can tolerate pain differently. In addition, migraine headaches come in varying degrees of severity. people with this condition Therefore, it is not always necessary to have a headache until it becomes unbearable.

      Although the symptoms are mild But if such symptoms occur frequently or have a long period Or other symptoms occur, such as nausea and vomiting (according to the list of symptoms above), you should see a doctor.

4 stages of migraine headaches

If dividing migraine headaches into the order of symptoms It can be divided into 4 phases:

  1. Prodrome : There are usually warning signs about 1-2 days before the onset of a migraine, such as neck stiffness. or mood swings, etc.

  2. Aura : Some patients will experience abnormal vision, such as seeing flashes of light. Saw a white light with jagged edges. or blurry or distorted images But some cases have no warning signs.

  3. headache (Headache) :  It’s like the climax of a migraine headache. The patient will have a throbbing headache or a headache on one side. Until unable to work normally May occur in conjunction with nausea, vomiting, and are allergic to various stimuli, such as bright lights and loud noises.

  4. come to normal (Postdrome): after the onset of pain Patients often experience weakness, dizziness, and confusion. or sensitive to various stimuli like the third phase


Insomnia is Insomnia, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

How many types of insomnia are there?

       Insomnia can occur in people of all ages. Most people experience insomnia for 1-2 nights, but sometimes it can last for weeks, months, or years. Insomnia is most common in women and the elderly.

1. Insomnia due to adjustment problems (Adjustment Insomnia)

     Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep Lasts a few nights and less than 3 months, usually caused by excitement or stress For example, a child may turn over the night before school starts or the night before an important exam. or before sporting events In adults, it can often occur before an important business meeting. or quarrels among family members or close friends. Most people often have insomnia problems. to be away from home Traveling to a place at a different time Exercising before bedtime (within 4 hours) or when sick is another cause of this type of insomnia. when the situation relax tension Sleep will return to normal.


2. Chronic insomnia

       Refers to insomnia for more than 1 month. Most insomniacs tend to worry about own sleep Or it may be due to abnormal muscle function during sleep. The cause of insomnia can be a symptom of another problem, such as a fever or abdominal pain, or it can be caused by a combination of factors.

Psychological factor

  • Tendency to insomnia Most people can’t sleep during times of stress. Some people have stress responses, such as headaches or stomachaches.

  • chronic stress relationship problems children with severe illness or low-profit jobs All cause sleep problems. Learning to manage stress can help treat insomnia.

  • Primary insomnia (also known as psychophysiological insomnia) if you do not sleep well during times of stress. You may be worried about not being able to work. during the day So you think you have to work hard to get yourself to sleep at night. which will make it even more difficult to fall asleep After a few nights The closer you get to bedtime, the more anxious you will be. about getting more sleep The cure has to be either not learning to contemplate the poor sleep. And learn and adjust the new sleeping habits.


         Alzheimer’s is one of the causes of dementia. caused by the deterioration of work or structure of brain tissue found mostly in the elderly which if left untreated The symptoms of the disease will become more and more severe until eventually the patient is unable to use normal daily life.

Symptoms of Alzheimer's

  • In the early stages , the patient will have forgetfulness. in an unforgettable matter

  • Medium term when it started to be more The patient will have a worse memory. memory loss especially newly born memory, easily irritated, mood swings sometimes walks out of the house without knowing why

  • In the severe stage, the patient will become confused, aggressive, and less responsive to surroundings. less movement until it looks like a bedridden patient

Risk factors that may cause Alzheimer's

  • Increased age It was found that after the age of 65, the risk of developing the disease doubled every 5 years.

  • Heredity, have a direct relative who is sick with Alzheimer’s disease

  • It was found that Alzheimer’s disease is caused by vascular disease, so being overweight. high blood pressure It is a risk factor that may cause Alzheimer’s disease as well.

Caring for Alzheimer's patients

           There is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s disease. It will help extend the duration of the disease. Including helping to prevent danger that may occur from various complications. The treatment of Alzheimer’s patients can be done in 2 main ways.

  1. Drug treatment to increase or adjust the level of acetylcholine substance not to decrease too much The patient can live a life close to normal.

  2. Non-drug treatment such as

    • Make sure the patient exercises regularly. To help refresh the brain and prolong the duration of the disease.

    • Physical therapy for Alzheimer’s disease patients There is often a decrease in physical ability in many aspects such as movement, balance, walking, and muscle weakness, so the patient should receive rehabilitation treatment. Muscle power, with an emphasis on balance training. various movements, especially walking And also to increase the strength of the muscles as well.

    • Find activities for patients to go out of the house. meet friends

    • Take care of patients to get good quality sleep according to their sleep hygiene. make the room livable Adjust the lighting appropriately, keep sharp objects or electrical appliances away.

Cerebrovascular disease

          Cerebrovascular disease is one of the conditions of stroke caused by lack of blood supply. and oxygen to the brain from fat accumulation in the cerebrovascular area The blood vessel walls thus become thicker. causing abnormal blood circulation to the brain The brain cells in that area are damaged. As a result, some organs in the body cannot be controlled. It is dangerous to the point of crooked mouth. loss of vision and paresis, paralysis

Causes of cerebral hemorrhage

       The main cause of cerebral vascular stenosis from disorders of the circulatory system by clogging of the arteries that are responsible for bringing blood to the brain from fat or plaque Can be divided into 2 types

  • Ischemic artery disease from ischemic stroke (Thrombotic Strokes) can occur from various underlying diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure. and high blood fat which causes arteries to harden With atherosclerosis, blood flow to the brain is impaired.

  • Embolic Strokes are insufficient blood flow to the brain. from blockage of blood vessels

Factors that cause cerebral vascular stenosis

  • People with hyperlipidemia

  • Diabetics

  • Heart disease patients

  • Heredity

  • Natural vascular degeneration

  • Drinking alcohol

  • Smoking

Cerebral hemorrhage symptoms

        Symptoms of ischemic stroke will happen suddenly in minutes Occurs in the following organs :

  • Blurry eyes, unable to see

  • Crooked face

  • Unable to communicate through words

  • Arm and leg weakness

  • Inability to balance or body movement

Diagnosis of cerebral hemorrhage

         First, the doctor will take a history of the patient. about the stages of the onset of the disease Family history of illness After that, a thorough physical examination will be performed, including

  • Blood lipid and cholesterol testing

  • Blood sugar test

  • Computed tomography (CT Scan) scan

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

  • Examination of the large arteries in the neck with high-frequency sound waves (Carotid Ultrasound)

  • ECG (Electrocardiogram : EKG)


1. What is epilepsy?

      Epilepsy is a disease caused by a group of seizures due to in which part or all of the brain is temporarily overworked from the original From which the electrical convulsions arise and spread to different regions of the brain. The symptoms that occur It depends on which part of the brain is stimulated and how long the symptoms last.

2. What are the causes of epilepsy?

  1. Structural abnormalities of the brain Causes of brain lesions include: Scar on the hippocampus (part of the brain involved in memory), brain tumors, cerebral vascular abnormalities, posttraumatic brain injury, postpartum hypoxia due to labor difficulties

  2. Heredity, including predominant syndrome and onset of epilepsy with age, neurological disorders with skin, certain brain cell malformations.

  3. It is caused by an infectious disease such as viral, bacterial, protozoal or parasitic encephalitis.

  4. Caused by metabolic syndrome such as imbalance of water, mineral salt and sugar including the state of sodium in the blood and blood glucose levels that are too high or too low, etc.

  5. Immune cause It is caused by autoimmune conditions such as some types of encephalitis, Rasmussen encephalitis, Limbic encephalitis and autoimmune disease (SLE), etc.

  6. The cause is unknown (Unknown), including epilepsy without brain lesions. (Non-lesional epilepsy)

Currently divided into 4 major types

  1. Focal Onset (with a local electrical wave origin)

  2. Generalized Onset (Electrical waves originating throughout the brain)

  3. Unknown Onset  (The origin of the abnormal EEG is unknown.)

  4. Unclassified (Unable to determine the type of seizure)


         Depression is a psychiatric disease that has a small number of people. But not many people know about this disease. Some people are without their own knowledge. I think it’s because I think too much. causing inadequate and timely treatment

What is depression?

       Depression is a mood disorder. which affects patients in terms of thinking, feeling and behavior indifference Indifferent to things Affects ability to perform day-to-day tasks which can cause many mental symptoms Living a normal life can be difficult or feel like life is worthless.

         Depression is not a physical discomfort or uneasiness that can be easily shaken off. Patients with depression should receive continuous and long-lasting treatment that may cause them to become disheartened. or psychotherapy or both can help most patients return to their symptoms

Symptoms of depression

When there was a depression once Symptoms may recur. Depression often comes in waves. Symptoms that may be present all the time include:

  • feel sad, empty, want to cry, despair

  • Feeling angry, annoyed, annoyed over small things

  • Losing interest or not enjoying most or all activities of daily living, such as sex, sports, or hobbies

  • Sleep problems, such as sleeping too much or insomnia

  • Tired, lacks enthusiasm for small things

  • Decreased appetite, weight loss or increased appetite, weight gain

  • feeling anxious, restless, nervous

  • Think more slowly, speak or move your body more slowly

  • Feeling worthless, guilty, obsessing over past failures or blaming yourself

  • Lack of concentration, memory problems or unable to think or make decisions on their own

  • think about death frequent suicide attempts

  • Have unexplained physical illnesses such as headaches or back pain

People with depression often have symptoms so much that it affects their everyday life, such as going to school, work, or socializing. Some people may feel gloomy. unhappy for no apparent reason

Depression in children and adolescents

The symptoms of depression of all ages tend to have similar symptoms, but there may be some symptoms that vary with age.

  • In childhood, there may be sadness, annoyance, clinging to parents, worrying, weight loss, not wanting to go to school. or have pain in the body

  • In adolescents, there may be sadness, annoyance, irritability, pessimism, worthlessness, feelings of being unappreciated, petty, losing interest in matters, not socializing, using drugs or alcohol. Sleeping or eating too much, hurting yourself, skipping school, or worsening your studies.

Depression in the elderly

Depression is common in older people. But it is not considered a normal condition for the elderly. This condition is worrisome and should be treated promptly. But in most cases, patients refuse to receive treatment and diagnosis. In the elderly, the symptoms are often different or unclear, including:

  • Behavioral changes, memory decline

  • Body pain

  • Fatigue, loss of appetite, sleep problems loss of interest in sex that is not related to medication or other symptoms

  • Have suicidal thoughts or feelings especially in older males

When to see a doctor

When feeling depressed, seek immediate medical attention. Or talk to family, friends or close people who trust.

Anxiety disorder

         Because anxiety can happen to anyone. And worrying that is not too much will help to prepare carefully for the events that occur. But if you worry too much and start to affect your life. It may indicate that you are suffering from an anxiety disorder. which, if not promptly treated, may affect health in the long run

The following 5 anxiety disorders are ones that should not be ignored

1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder : GAD

       There is constant concern about things even after the incident has been resolved. This is often related to daily life, such as work, finances, health or family well-being. In which patients with this disease are often unable to adapt to the same events that have occurred, they still think about the same things over and over again, which affects various aspects, including physical symptoms, namely palpitations, insomnia, and frequent abdominal pains. to symptoms of thoughts that are preoccupied with the same things over and over again

     Even if he realized they were irrational thoughts, he could not let go of them. and always worrying about things that have yet to come The proper way to cope is to face the stimuli gradually. Practice muscle control and breathing control. and reduce negative thoughts, etc.


2. Fear Phobias

         Excessive fear which the patient himself, although he felt that was unreasonable and inappropriate for the stimulus But fear could not be suppressed. And try to avoid confronting the things that cause fear. which are often associated with physical symptoms Fearful stimuli such as palpitations, difficulty breathing, sweating, trembling hands, and fainting occur repeatedly for at least 6 months.

The fear may arise from encounters with animals, injuries, activities, or specific situations that cause tension and interfere with daily life, such as open spaces, narrow spaces, blood, needles, and speaking face to face. Community fear of heights, fear of loud noises or fear of animals, etc.

3. Panic Panic Disorder

       A recurring panic attack with multiple physical symptoms, including palpitations, shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, fainting, abdominal pain, numbness of the body, fear of losing control, fear of death with or without a trigger. often occurs suddenly unpredictable and difficult to control For people with this disorder, there will be severe, intermittent or hour-long panic attacks. Including being able to return again and again This results in fear and worry.

        All the time until it was unable to live a normal life It is a disease of unknown cause. and more common in females than males In addition, this disease can lead to other conditions such as depression, substance abuse, etc. Psychiatric treatment should be sought. is drug therapy in conjunction with psychotherapy will be able to control life normally and with proper handling By the way, encourage positive encouragement. Relaxation through stretching making creative art in conveying emotions get enough rest and reducing alcohol consumption, etc.


4. Fear of society Social Anxiety Disorder

       The fear of being in a situation where you think you might be stared at or do something embarrassing in front of another person. Trying to evade or having to endure so much that fear affects daily life. and causing behavior to avoid socializing It is more common in females than males. And may also find symptoms in relatives of those who suffer from this disease more than others.

         It is caused by many factors such as foster care. lack of social skills or physically abused The symptoms that appear are flushed face, sweating profusely, nausea, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, headache, and trembling.

5. Fear of Separation from Separation Anxiety Disorder

     Fear of separation from home familiar place Or someone closer than it should be according to the level of mental development. which fear or concern It’s usually about the loss or illness of someone important. Events that could lead to separation, such as getting lost, kidnapping or accidents. Patients may hesitate or refuse to leave home, go to school or work. 

      Extreme fear or reluctance to be alone or frequent separation-related nightmares, which last for at least 4 weeks in children and 6 months in adults. affecting daily life

         “It may seem like this disease is scary. But you can easily prevent it, just live a happy life. Eat food from all 5 food groups and exercise regularly. Get enough rest that your body needs. avoid drinking alcohol do a relaxing activity In addition, you should practice mindfulness to recognize your own emotions whether there is too much stress or not. Including meditation to calm the mind, stay in the present and let the brain relax. Guaranteed good health both physically and mentally, far away from disease for sure.”